Sunday, November 27, 2011

Today I Said A Little Prayer

I have been thinking of the miscarriage I had four years ago. The baby would have been 4 years old, November 27th. Hard for me to accept that I could have had a child that age. He or she would have been in school by now. How would it had been like? I don’t know. It has been years since the miscarriage, every year comes and goes and I try not to place any thought to it.
Since the day of the miscarriage, I had suppressed all my emotions. I try not to feel anything for it. I was so sad, when I found out I was pregnant. I didn’t want to accept the pregnancy, so for me the miscarriage was good news. Don’t get me wrong, I do love children, but I didn’t want any until later in life, when I was in a stable relationship. When I had worked out some issues in my life and I knew I could provide a child with love.

I look back and remember feeling so relieved that I no longer had to carry that child. His child. After the D&C, I went home from the hospital and slept. The next day I went to work and carried out with my life as if nothing happened. I don’t remember feeling anything. I was in a daze. It was so surreal. If I did, I just worked through it. I tried to keep myself busy, so that I didn’t have to think about it.

Every November, I go about as if nothing. I try not to think about it. I just Thank God that he took it away. Sounds evil, but that is what has kept me somewhat sane.

This year has been different. Maybe that emptiness that I have felt for years is because I am grieving the loss of it. I never allowed myself to grieve. Never aloud myself to feel angry. I have never cried for it. I made myself believe that since it was never born, that I need not feel anything for it.

I have been feeling sad and angry about this. Sad because I loss a part of me. I loss my child. I start thinking about what it would have been like if this baby had been born and I cry. I think of how different things would have been. I wonder if I would have had a baby girl or boy. I have this empty hallow feeling inside. This emptiness that nothing can comfort. No matter how much I cried the emptiness is still there. The anger comes from not allowing myself to feel anything. For being so immature. I am also angry for having felt such hate towards this innocent baby.

Today I said a little prayer for him. I allowed myself to cry for the first time. To grieve my loss. I grieve not having had the chance to hold him. I allowed myself to feel for my baby. I apologized for not wanting to feel for his loss and saying that I didn’t want him. I am not a terrible person, I would have loved my baby no matter what.


  1. I'm sorry for your pain and for your loss. Even though your little baby is not physically with you today, he'll always live within your heart. Take care. ~rl

  2. lunacyreleased,
    Thank you for your sweet kind words. It's still difficult to comprehend after all this time, but I'm moving on. I guess he/she will always be part of me.In my heart. Thank you. Many blessings to you.

    Luv Susie :)
